Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Direction is finding God in your story. A journey together to deepen your relationship with God.
Spiritual formation
We’re all being formed by something; whether we’re aware of it or not. The food we eat and how we take care of our body shapes us physically. What we watch on TV, read and listen to impact our thoughts and feelings.
Most of us are slightly aware of how our bodies and minds grow, develop and shape who we are. But are you aware of your spiritual formation? What has formed your spiritual beliefs? Are you intentional about what goes into forming your spiritual life?
Three insightful, humble men describe the benefits of developing our spiritual lives on purpose.
Everyone is in a process of spiritual formation. We are being shaped into either the wholeness of the image of Christ or a horribly destructive caricature of that image--destructive not only to ourselves but also to others, for we inflict our brokenness upon them . . . The direction of our spiritual growth infuses all we do with intimations of either Life or Death. — M. Robert Mulholland Jr.
Spiritual formation is for everyone. Just as there is an 'outer you' that is being formed and shaped all the time, like it or not, by accident or on purpose, so there is an 'inner you.' You have a spirit. And it's constantly being shaped and tugged at: by what you hear and watch and say and read and think and experience. — John Ortberg
Spiritual formation prepares us for a life in which we move away from our fears, compulsions, resentments, and sorrows, to serve with joy and courage in the world, even when this leads us to places we would rather not go.
Spiritual formation helps us see God's face in the midst of a hardened world and in our own hearts. This freedom helps us to use our skills and our very lives to make that face visible to all who live in bondage and fear. As Jesus told his disciples: “So, if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).” —Henri J.M. Nouwen
If you’re interested in purposeful and intentional spiritual growth, read more & click on the links below for more information.
Contemplative Living Retreats
God invites us into a deep, genuine, personal, full, and sustainable life with Him. You can experience a maturing depth in your walk with God. Are you intrigued and wondering how this could be possible for you?
Contemplative Living Retreats (CLR) is a leisurely-paced, yet extensive introduction to contemplative living. To learn more, click here.
spiritual Direction- a journey together
Are you longing for a different, deeper, or more meaningful spiritual life? Is your heart being pulled onto an unfamiliar path? Maybe you've heard about Spiritual Direction and wonder what it's all about. Spiritual Direction is a journey to find God in your story.
Why Spiritual Direction?
People pursue Spiritual Direction (SD) for many reasons. To:
Find peace, healing, wisdom and meaning for your life
Foster a deeper relationship with God
Become more aware of what God wants to teach you
Learn how to respond to God's transformative power
Discern God's will and make difficult choices
Spiritual Direction is a gift to you. It is a time for you to reflect on the world around you, your inner life, and relationship with God. SD helps you know the importance and interdependence of knowing both God and self. John Clavin understands this deeply, "There is no deep knowing of God apart from a deep knowing of self and no deep knowing of self apart from a deep knowing of God."
As you reflect on your life and relationship with God, a new appreciation and love for self and others fills you. Resulting in a life full of gratitude and a hope in things to come.
“Spiritual direction involves a process through which one person helps another person understand what God is doing and saying.”
More about Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction is not Bible study, mentoring, counseling or therapy, teaching or pastoring. A Spiritual Director or spiritual companion does not "direct or tell people" what to do in their spiritual life. SD is not new, not authoritative nor moral guidance.
Spiritual Direction is compassionate, attentive, and confidential. It's an ancient practice of being in God's presence and becoming more aware of the Holy Spirit's leading in your life.
A spiritual companion helps dust for the fingerprints of God in your everyday life. In Spiritual Direction, we seek God together, become more attentive to God, listen to Him, know His voice and experience His love.
If you long for more in life but are unsure if what that is; Spiritual Direction could be the next right thing. If you would like more information, click below. SD sessions are held in person or through Zoom. Spiritual Direction sessions are scheduled once a month and the fee is $75.
Listen to this podcast by Emily P Freeman. She does a great job describing Spiritual Direction.
group spiritual direction
Group spiritual direction is a process in which people gather together on a regular basis to assist one another in an ongoing awareness of God in all of life. They are seeking support for their responsiveness to God and they agree to support others in that same responsiveness.
Three conditions are essential to the life of the group. Members must agree to:
• commit themselves to an honest relationship with God
• to participate wholeheartedly in the group process through prayerful listening and response
• to open their spiritual journeys for consideration by others
If you're interested in a group experience and would like more information click here
Testimonies and Quotes
"Laura guided me gently into my living connection with God during our Spiritual Direction sessions. Each session was different for me. My emotions were present, sometimes I cried, and sometimes I laughed. I always felt soothed by the awareness that God is in me and with me. I was struck by the fact that I am more connected to God than I thought I was, especially since I am not "going to church" at this time. Laura introduced me to Pray As You Go, a daily scripture app on my phone. I love it. Spiritual Direction gets to the core of life. Thank you, Laura "
~ Sandy in South Dakota
"I deeply appreciate my Spiritual Director. Our time together is fruitful in ways I could never imagine. I am blessed to have her as a fellow sojourner on my journey. God always shows up in unique ways & I really think everyone should have a Spiritual Director!" ~Leslee in South Dakota
Spiritual Directors International states, “Spiritual direction explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. Simply put, spiritual direction is helping people tell their sacred stories everyday.” ~Leslie A. Hay, MDiv
"Spiritual direction helped me be more aware of God in my surroundings and daily activities. He reminds me of little things that make a big difference. Spiritual Direction also helped me visualize my "resting place" and helped me get there." ~ Lois in South Dakota
Spiritual direction is a way of companioning people as they seek to look closely, through the eyes of their hearts, at the guidance and transforming work of God in their lives. It's a practice that began in the early years of Christianity. Over the years, spiritual direction has appeared in many faith traditions. This gift is usually offered in the context of individual spiritual direction, but the potential for spiritual direction in small groups is a growing and promising expression of the ministry of spiritual companionship.